Let me introduce myself with a simple bullet-point list of roles and activities in my present and past experiences:

  • Software specialist with a solid track record in the design and implementation of systems
    used in banking, telecommunications, financial, e-commerce and social media networks.
  • AI engineer for converging machine learning/artificial intelligence capabilities and software applications.
  • Researcher on innovative computational methods for technical/business improvements and pursue intellectual property rights.
  • Seeking opportunities for differentiation and advocating technical choices.
  • Ambassador for the product with internal and external stakeholders and understand customers’ pain points/tacit needs.

Here 👉 you can find some projects I finalised recently.

← Click on the icon and download my Curriculum in PDF format and please, share it in your organization. I will be very willing to discuss over possible collaborations.

Technology Strategist                              SAP Customer Experience Labs 2017 - Now, Munich
Research on Logic Programming and Answer Set Programming for introducing symbolic AI in e-commerce system by enabling automated argumentation.  
Built library for predicate inference from Knowledge Graphs (Answer Sets).  
Prototype for Graph Neural Networks on Knowledge Graphs.  
Technical and business related presentations at conferences and customers.  
Released e-commerce prototype for Intelligent Digital Assistant.  
Integrated Bayesian Inference for Guided Selling.  
Developed library for Deep Reinforcement Learning.  
Release prototype for conversational commerce.  
Created new search algorithms and improved contextualization for chatbots.  
Implemented intention classification for natural language processing.  

image-left Certified professional scrum master

Fellowship                     SAP Innovation Center 2016, Munich
Early drafts for the SAP machine learning platform (ex Leonardo) on coordinating complex machine learning pipelines for data ingestion, features extraction, training execution, model versioning and persistence.  
Prototyping with Apache Mesos, Hadoop, SparkML and TensorFlow.  
Software Specialist                      SAP Hybris 2014, Munich
Designed and developed inter-process communication framework with Reactive/Event-Driven programming as standard tool for Hybris developers.  
Improved core platform’s services and ORM internal framework.  
Tuning and optimizing high throughput libraries for Hybris’ commerce system.  
Selected Attendee                      TechPeaks 2013, Trento
Selected for the training program of the startup accelerator on Lean Startupmethodologies, business planning, corporate administration and taxation.  
Released business plan for investors and obtained financial grants.  
Searched for synergies with commerce partners.  
Acquired license for food management.  

image-left“Working with Giancarlo has been a very interesting experience. At that time he was a very skilled and smart Java developer. He demostrated a clear understanding of a Model Driven Development approach as well as the importance of modeling in the context of complex financial applications development.”

image-left“Worked with us over 2 years as java consultant. He engaged an effective development on the department taking part in the refactoring of all java layers, also he carried out appreciative work implementing the model driven approach. He has deep knowledge in software development and setting up system architectures.”

Development Architect                      Chelab Laboratories 2011, Venice Area
Analysis of business processes by interviewing stakeholders and assessing software architecture, for prototyping the company’s laboratory information system (LIMS).  
Design domain specific language (DSL) for chemical workflow management.  
Prototype storage services based on NoSQL databases for media content.  
Coach and train development team on rapid web building with Grails.  
Setup configuration management and continuous integration systems.  
Senior Software Developer                      Skebby 2010, Milan
Built and tutored the distributed micro-service system for B2C and B2B SMS delivery management.  
Setup system architecture ascribable as EIP (Enterprise Integration Pattern) and micro-service constellation linked by ActiveMQ.  
API definition through REST for external partners.  
Senior Software Developer                      Quinary 2008, Milan
Re-engineering the SMS B2B delivery system for Vodafone based on micro-service architecture with messages broker such as FioranoMQ.  
Senior Software Developer                      Nimbuzz 2007, Rotterdam
Implemented high-throughput XMPP server-to-server Java framework for chat protocols through REST API.  
Software Consultant                      Ats 2006, Milan
Created the BrokerTec facility extension, integrated into trading application, enabling trades of REPO market government securities.  
Designed and implemented internal framework for interfacing external API in a declarative way, solely by XML definitions.  
Software Consultant                      Abla 2006, Milan
Developed the VoiceXML interpreter and binded into Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP) for automated voice assistants.  
Audio streaming implementation in Real Time Protocol for voice automated assistants.  
Backend Developer                      Sec Servizi 2002, Padua
Implemented IBM’s Rational Software Architect extensions for Low Code/No Code Model Driven Architecture and enabling non-developers to design banking services by means of UML diagrams.  


B.Eng, Diploma di Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica ed Automatica

1995 / 1999

image-left Universita’ degli Studi, Padova, Italy

Diploma Perito Industriale, Elettrotecnica

1990 / 1995

image-left ITIS, Bassano del Grappa, Italy