Posts by Tag


The Basic Principles of Language

4 minute read

What is this exhilarating noise come out of my mouth when I talk? Not surely because that precise sequence of sounds, pops and squeezes are particularly melo...

Concept Search by Word Embeddings

3 minute read

Catalog search is one of the most important factor to the success of e-commerce sites and accurate and relevant results are critical to successful conversio...

Stochastic Conversational Workflows

6 minute read

Traditionally, user interfaces are a series of screens and forms for exchanging informations with the user. Most of the applications start with a main screen...

Machine Comprehension on Chatbots

2 minute read

One of the most demanded feature in chatbots is the ability to automatically provide helpful informations. Users might ask about how to pay the purchases onl...

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Neural Networks

Deeplearning in Text Classification

3 minute read

In the Divine Comedy, Minos is a daemon appointed to guard the entrance of the hell. He listens to the sins of souls and indicates them their destinations by...

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logic programming

Multi directionality in Prolog

5 minute read

When it comes to software programming, learning anything new expands problem-solving skills, and the purpose of this post is to instil a different way of thi...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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SOA example application

2 minute read

SOA describes a set of patterns for creating loosely coupled, standards-based business-aligned services that, because of the separation of concerns betwee...

Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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The Basic Principles of Language

4 minute read

What is this exhilarating noise come out of my mouth when I talk? Not surely because that precise sequence of sounds, pops and squeezes are particularly melo...

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Photography Event in Bassano del Grappa

1 minute read

I’ve been since long time fascinated by photography and its power to capture my fantasy and attention. I was pretty delighted to attend artistic initiatives,...

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Automated Negotiation

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artificial intelligence

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

Let’s get Scrum

2 minute read

At school times the teacher used to quote an important saying: culture is what remains after we forget the things we studied thorougly. The concept is charm...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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low-code no-code

MDA on fire off the Shoulder of Orion

4 minute read

I must admit, frustration has increased over the years. I mean, interacting with the computer in terms of boolean, long, void. I’d rather sit on a sofa and ...

7 steps to MDA revolution

5 minute read

I didn’t believe that such a successful project was such a rare event in the IT industry, that’s why I’ve never caught another chance for applying the learn...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Stochastic Conversational Workflows

6 minute read

Traditionally, user interfaces are a series of screens and forms for exchanging informations with the user. Most of the applications start with a main screen...

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Dynamic Programming

5 minute read

The term dynamic programming has a curious origin. When Richard Bellman late in the 1940s were seeking for a viral definition of his method, his boss was app...

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Cognitive Science

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Bayesian Inference

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Knowledge Graph

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Let’s get Scrum

2 minute read

At school times the teacher used to quote an important saying: culture is what remains after we forget the things we studied thorougly. The concept is charm...

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Let’s get Scrum

2 minute read

At school times the teacher used to quote an important saying: culture is what remains after we forget the things we studied thorougly. The concept is charm...

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Let’s get Scrum

2 minute read

At school times the teacher used to quote an important saying: culture is what remains after we forget the things we studied thorougly. The concept is charm...

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Let’s get Scrum

2 minute read

At school times the teacher used to quote an important saying: culture is what remains after we forget the things we studied thorougly. The concept is charm...

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Let’s get Scrum

2 minute read

At school times the teacher used to quote an important saying: culture is what remains after we forget the things we studied thorougly. The concept is charm...

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Let’s get Scrum

2 minute read

At school times the teacher used to quote an important saying: culture is what remains after we forget the things we studied thorougly. The concept is charm...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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Chain of failures on blocking threads

3 minute read

I came back to Milano little time ago and I’ve bumped into an API implementation in this new job. This will be a library that aims to interact with a remote...

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7 steps to MDA revolution

5 minute read

I didn’t believe that such a successful project was such a rare event in the IT industry, that’s why I’ve never caught another chance for applying the learn...

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7 steps to MDA revolution

5 minute read

I didn’t believe that such a successful project was such a rare event in the IT industry, that’s why I’ve never caught another chance for applying the learn...

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MDA on fire off the Shoulder of Orion

4 minute read

I must admit, frustration has increased over the years. I mean, interacting with the computer in terms of boolean, long, void. I’d rather sit on a sofa and ...

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Recruiter advisory Explicit lyrics

5 minute read

“I’m a people person, very personable. I absolutely insist on enjoying life. Not so task-oriented. Not a work horse. If you’re looking for a Clydesdale I’m p...

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Recruiter advisory Explicit lyrics

5 minute read

“I’m a people person, very personable. I absolutely insist on enjoying life. Not so task-oriented. Not a work horse. If you’re looking for a Clydesdale I’m p...

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Recruiter advisory Explicit lyrics

5 minute read

“I’m a people person, very personable. I absolutely insist on enjoying life. Not so task-oriented. Not a work horse. If you’re looking for a Clydesdale I’m p...

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Recruiter advisory Explicit lyrics

5 minute read

“I’m a people person, very personable. I absolutely insist on enjoying life. Not so task-oriented. Not a work horse. If you’re looking for a Clydesdale I’m p...

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Recruiter advisory Explicit lyrics

5 minute read

“I’m a people person, very personable. I absolutely insist on enjoying life. Not so task-oriented. Not a work horse. If you’re looking for a Clydesdale I’m p...

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Recruiter advisory Explicit lyrics

5 minute read

“I’m a people person, very personable. I absolutely insist on enjoying life. Not so task-oriented. Not a work horse. If you’re looking for a Clydesdale I’m p...

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Recruiter advisory Explicit lyrics

5 minute read

“I’m a people person, very personable. I absolutely insist on enjoying life. Not so task-oriented. Not a work horse. If you’re looking for a Clydesdale I’m p...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Waltzing with the Tech Crunch

3 minute read

The economic crisis we’re currently going through is teaching some lessons to the Western countries, in particular to the Anglo-Saxons, that our grandparent...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Powered by Apache Mina

3 minute read

The application being discussed has to behave as follows: performs the client authentication, accomplishes request and response operations and forwards notif...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Cool DSL with Groovy

2 minute read

Domain model design has never been confused with ‘ease’. From the dawn of its conception, generating executable Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams mean...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

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Software architect mistakes

2 minute read

I think that to get up in the morning and brew a good cup of coffee is one of the best way to start the day. You know, the heady fragrance that emanates from...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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Gradle archetype for Spring applications

1 minute read

I am releasing a Gradle archetype useful for creating Java/Groovy applications based on Springframework. Of course, it is not a real archetype because such a...

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SOA example application

2 minute read

SOA describes a set of patterns for creating loosely coupled, standards-based business-aligned services that, because of the separation of concerns betwee...

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SOA example application

2 minute read

SOA describes a set of patterns for creating loosely coupled, standards-based business-aligned services that, because of the separation of concerns betwee...

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Neural networks

Stochastic Conversational Workflows

6 minute read

Traditionally, user interfaces are a series of screens and forms for exchanging informations with the user. Most of the applications start with a main screen...

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Stochastic Conversational Workflows

6 minute read

Traditionally, user interfaces are a series of screens and forms for exchanging informations with the user. Most of the applications start with a main screen...

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Stochastic Conversational Workflows

6 minute read

Traditionally, user interfaces are a series of screens and forms for exchanging informations with the user. Most of the applications start with a main screen...

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Reinforcement Learning

First steps in Reinforcement Learning

2 minute read

Reinforcement learning covers a family of algorithms with the purpose of maximize a cumulative reward that an agent can obtain from an environment. It seems ...

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Attention Schema

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machine learning

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Bayesian Networks

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semantic technologies

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conceptual spaces

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knowledge graphs

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neural networks

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cognitive psychology

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cognitive psycology

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cognitive system

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supply chain

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